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605.6E2 On-Line Resources Appropriate Use Violation Notice



Student Name  ______________________________________ Date: ___________________

Administrator: ___________________________________________________

Student Violations; Consequences and Notifications:

Students who access and/or download inappropriate/objectionable items, send messages with vulgar/abusive language while using technology and on-line resources, violate any federal or state law or regulation, violate any of the policies or regulations of the school, or attempt to access a personal e-mail account at school shall be subject to the following consequences:

1.      First Offense:

For the first violation during the school's fiscal year (July 1-June 30), a verbal and written "Warning" notice, using the prescribed form, will be issued to the student by the building principal's office. The student will lose technology and on-line access for a period of three weeks.  A copy of the notice will be mailed to the student's parent/guardian by the building principal's office and a copy kept on file in the building principal's office.

2.      Second Offense:

For the second violation during the school's fiscal year (July 1-June 30), a verbal and written "Second Infraction," notice, using the prescribed form, will be issued to the student by the building principal's office. The student will lose technology and on-line access for a period of nine weeks. A copy of the notice will be mailed to the student's parent/guardian by the building principal's office and a copy kept on file in the building principal's office.

3.      Third Offense:

On the third violation during the school's fiscal year (July 1-June 30), a verbal and written "Third Infraction" notice, using the prescribed form, will be issued to the student by the building principal's office. The student will lose all technology and on-line privileges.  A copy of notice will be sent by registered mailed to the student's parent/guardian by the building principal's office and a copy kept on filed in the building principal's office.

Any student who has lost his/her technology and on-line privileges by committing a "Third Offense", may at the beginning of the next regular school year petition the superintendent to have his/her technology and on-line privileges reinstated on a trial basis. A "trial basis" places a student on probation for one year. If during this one-year time period the student commits an additional offense, his/her technology and on-line privileges may be suspended for the remainder of his/her time as a student in WACO Community School District.

Alternative assignments will be made available to students who do not have access to technology and online service due to loss of privileges or parental denial.

In addition to the above sanctions, the school may impose discipline up to and including suspension or expulsion from school and/or the filing of criminal charges.