601 General Organization




601.1 School Calendar



The school calendar shall accommodate the education program of the school district. The school calendar shall be for a minimum of 1,080 hours and include, but not be limited to, the hours for student instruction, staff development, in-service days, and teacher conferences.  Each year the minimum school calendar may include up to 5 days or 30 hours of instruction delivered primarily over the internet. 

The academic school year for students shall begin no sooner than August 23.  Employees may be required to report to work at the school district prior to this date.  

Special education students may attend school on a school calendar different from that of the regular education program consistent with their Individualized Education Program.

The board, in its discretion, may excuse graduating seniors from up to five days (or 30 hours) of instruction after the school district requirements for graduation have been met. The board may also excuse graduating seniors from making up hours missed due to inclement weather if the student has met the school district's graduation requirements.

It is the responsibility of the superintendent to develop the school calendar for recommendation, approval, and adoption by the board annually.  The board may amend the official school calendar when the board considers the change to be in the best interests of the school district's education program.

The board may amend the official school calendar when the board considers the change to be in the best interests of the school district's education program.  The board shall hold a public hearing on any proposed school calendar prior to adopting the school calendar. 

Legal Reference:         Iowa Code §§ 20.9; 279.10, 280.3 (1995).

                                    281 I.A.C. 12.2(1).

Cross Reference:         501.3  Compulsory Attendance

                                    601.2  School Day

603.3  Special Education

Approved:  2/16/69               Reviewed:  9/16/2019               Revised:  9/16/2019, 9/20/2021, 8/21/2023

601.2 School Day


601.2 - SCHOOL DAY

The student school day for grades one through twelve shall consist of a minimum of six hours, not including the lunch period. The school day consists of the schedule of class instruction and class activities as established and sponsored by the school district. Time during which students are released from school for parent/teacher conferences may be counted as part of the student's instructional time. The minimum school day shall meet the requirements as established for the operation of accredited schools. The board may define the number of days kindergarten will be held and the length of each school day for the students attending kindergarten. The school day shall consist of a schedule as recommended by the superintendent and approved by the board.

The school district may also record a day of school with less than the minimum instructional hours if the total hours of instructional time for grades one through twelve in any five consecutive school days equals a minimum of thirty hours, even though any one day of school is less than the minimum instructional hours because of a staff development opportunity provided for the instructional staff or parent-teacher conferences have been scheduled beyond the regular school day. Parent-teacher conference time is included in the total of instructional hours for the day, week and calendar total hours or days. Schedule revisions and changes in time allotments will be made by the superintendent.

The superintendent has the authority to determine which continuous remote learning opportunities are appropriate in accordance with the district's Return-to-learn Plan, as approved by the Department of Education. The superintendent shall consult with the Iowa Department of Public Health, Henry and Washington County Department of Public Health, the Iowa Department of Education, and the Center for Disease Control guidance, and may take additional precautions to keep staff and students as safe as reasonably possible. Instructional time shall be consistent with the district's approved Return-to-Learn plan for students, classrooms, attendance centers or the district as a whole when engaged in a method of continuous remote learning.

One of the following sentences will apply based on the district’s hour or day calendar: When the school is forced to close due to weather or other emergencies that part of the day during which school was in session will constitute a school day if the districts is operating under a calendar based on 180 instructional days. When the school is forced to close due to weather or other emergencies those hours of the day during which school was in session will count toward the 1,080 total hours required.

It shall be the responsibility of the superintendent to inform the board annually of the length of the school day.

If a parent or guardian of a student notifies the district in writing that the student, student's immediate family member or primary caretaker, has a significant health condition that increases the risk of COVID-19, documented by their doctor, the superintendent shall make reasonable accommodation, on a case-by-case basis, for the student to attend school through remote learning.



NOTE:  This policy reflects the educational standards.

Legal Reference:         Iowa Code § 279.8 (1995).

281 I.A.C. 12.2(2), .2(3), .2(6).

Cross Reference: 601.1 School Calendar

Approved:  2/16/69               Reviewed:  10/29/2020               Revised:  10/29/2020, 9/20/2021


601.3 Emergency School Closings



The superintendent of schools for the District or the superintendent’s designee shall have the authority to close schools because of extreme weather or other emergency conditions for the length of time the conditions exist. The superintendent shall make provisions to publicly announce such closings via available mass communication media as soon as possible after the decision to close. Every reasonable effort shall be made to have students attend the total amount of school days or hours annually as specified by statute, state departmental rules, the district’s Return to Learn plan, and local school board policy


Adopted:  9/20/2021










REVISED: 10/29/2020

REVIEWED: 10/29/2020, 9/20/2021